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Soil Health Incentive 

Rosebud Conservation District is looking for producers who are seeking diversity in no-till cropping systems.

The Rosebud Conservation District

will fund the actual seed and seeding cost up to

$20 per acre up to 20 acres or $400 per producer

within the conservation district boundaries



To encourage the utilization of cover crops in no-till cropping systems.  The proper cover crop will economically control erosion, reduce runoff, increase organic matter, break up crop disease patterns, cycle deep nutrient and can also be used for haying and/or grazing.  

Responsibilities of the producer are to prepare a weed free seed bed, note all important observations, agree to tours and news articles and provide information regarding fertilizer techniques.  A requirement of the cost share agreement is that seed mixtures consist of at least three varieties of seed in the cover crop planting.

Learn More about Soil Health:

On the NRCS Soil Health page, they go in depth on the soil health principles along with more ways to receive assistance for soil health. You can also come into the office (270 Prospect St) to discuss more with our local team in person. Reach out to Bobbi Vannattan for more information on our Soil Health Incentive and how RCD and NRCS can work together.

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